Monday, 17 December 2012

Review - Incendiary (Premonition Series, Book 4), Amy A. Bartol

Looking back at my GoodReads it's telling me that I read the last book in this series in September - It feels like forever ago and for the life of me I couldn't remember most of the story so I said to myself that I'd re-read the rest before I started on Incendiary.

But alas, temptation overruled and I started reading it anyway at about 6pm last night. And I am SO glad that I did. Within a few pages I was thrown straight back into the storyline and the characters all came flooding back. I can't remember why I gave the last book (Indebted, book 3) only 3 stars, it was before I started reviewing, but whatever disappointments I had from were were well and truly blown out of the water with Incendiary.

So 8 hours later, at 2.30am this morning I finally finished it and had fatigue not completely demolished me by then I would have reviewed it on the spot. I can't tell you the last time I stayed up stupidly late because I had to finish the book, not being able to physically put it down.

The thing that makes Bartol such an exceptional writer is her panache for dialogue. I've read a lot of books when I thought the descriptions of scenery were great, their twists were unexpected, or the storyline was original, but rarely to I find a book that not only has all of the above, but also has untouchable dialogue, too.

The characters are hilarious and each has their own personality. No one character feels like they were just placed their for convenience and they each have their own subtle storylines, relationships, powers etc. Reed, Evie and Russell are really strong protagonists and I love that Evie isn't the traditional 'woe-is-me- heroin (I've mentioned this a lot before, it pisses me off). Reed's dedication to his role as a Power is unwavering, as is his love for Evie, and Russell's development into a kick-ass angel brings even more humour and witty one liners.

The storyline was fantastic and the introduction of a handful of new characters really sped it along. Xavier, Tau and Anya, again, all have their own purpose, although some of that petered out towards the end of the novel as other things were going on so I'm really looking forward to more of them all in Iniquity.

The action, as always, was fantastic and, of course, the love triangle (well, triangleS - multiple now!) were heart stopping! Oh and speaking of heart stopping, to anyone who's read it - THE END OF CHAPTER 21. OH MY GOD. I nearly died.

What I love about this series is that Bartol is unashamedly happy to admit that there will be more to come. Some authors like to leave one of those cliffhangers where the book technically could be finished, but is also open to a sequel. Not with Bartol. She leaves you believing (hoping) that there is no freaking way this story is over and I am completely convinced that the next book (more Xavier, please!) will have me just as hooked!

Without a doubt my favourite in the series, 5 out of 5. Go and buy it now (well, after you've bought the first 3).