Thursday, 13 December 2012

Review - SURRENDER (The Ferryman and The Flame), Rhiannon Paille

Okay so I finished this book in about 6 hours. It helped that my internet and email was down at work for about 3 of those hours, but 6 hours none the less.

After 16% I was gushing about this book (via GoodReads), really loved it. Another few chapters and I was totally on board, riding the sweet waves of excitement that this book created. By 62% I was a full blown waterfall of shameless, over-exuberant praise, tumbling down around the pedestal on which this book sits. And oh my god, an alternate ending, too? A double whammy of final chapter glory.

The main thing that everyone needs to appreciate about this book is the writing style and how that alone can throw you straight into the world in which SURRENDER is set (think LOTR meets Sabriel - but the YA version).

Paille's descriptions are fantastic and she's so rigid with the tone of the book that its just faultless. I often find when authors try and write in a certain style that's not natural to them they tend to slip occasionally but Paille is completely consistent.

The main characters, Krishani and Kaleil, were both interesting enough to hold the story and it doesnt take very long to establish their personalities and how they fit together.

The story line is original, as is the world, the characters, the names, and to an extent, even the powers each race has. The Ferryman and the Flame are both really unique ideas and they don't take the typical 'magical powers' route.
The best part of the book for me was actually ending, both of them. You can't read SURRENDER and not need to read the rest of the series. It's not giving away any spoilers by saying that there is a huge cliffhanger at the end that'll leave you wondering how the hell Krishani and Kaleil are getting out of that one. And the alternate ending is even more exciting. (If you've read it - what the hell?!)

I have no idea how Paille is going to angle the next book, I'm still not entirely sure I know what happened at the end of this one, but I know I'll definitely be reading whatever she comes out with next. A solid 4.5/5 stars.